The Indiana Lawyer recently published the next article in my series on Microsoft Word® for lawyers titled “Give me a (section) break.” In this series, I’m attempting to give readers the tools needed to get the most out of Word in the law firm/legal department environment.
From the article:
As we have learned, Microsoft Word formats between the ¶ marks in a document. But, Word can also format different “sections” of a document. Think of an appellate brief. On the first few pages, you might want a cover page, followed by some introductory material (Table of Contents, Table of Authorities, etc.) paginated with lower case Roman numerals (e.g., i, ii., iii). The remaining part of the document should contain Arabic (e.g., 1, 2, 3) page numbers. This task can be handled with sections.
Take a few minutes to read through the article and brush up on your Microsoft Word® skills. It should help you enjoy your work more and reduce procrastination.