Scrivener Comes to iOS

The Write Tool

I’m a big fan of using the right (write?) tool for the job. Scrivener, by Literature & Latte is one of the best writing tools I’ve found for organizing my writing projects and actually getting my writing out the door. Among many other things, the application allows you to collect reference materials and organize your writing in an outline format. The ability to focus on one section of a blog post, article, brief, etc. at a time really helps my productivity. Once your project is done, it can be exported into a word processor like Microsoft Word or Pages (Mac) for final formatting.

Scrivener was formerly only available on Mac and Windows (Scrivener website) and there was some question if the app would continue to thrive if there was no iOS version. When I downloaded the app last night, there were already 213 five-star ratings. That’s a good sign for the future of the application.

Here’s an overview video of Scrivener for iOS:

I’m excited to have a tool like this on my iPad that will sync back to my Mac or Windows PC. Using Markdown/Multimarkdown just got a lot easier in my practice.

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