Stuck with a stack of writing projects? Automate Microsoft Word documents with built-in tools

Tackling the Stack of Undone Writing Projects

If you are like me, there are any number of writing projects on your to-do list. When I find myself procrastinating on starting a project, it is often times due to the blank screen with the blinking cursor. What am I going to name the file? Did the Colts hire a new coach?

To help overcome these tendencies, you can use tools built-in to Microsoft Word® to build a quick first draft of your document. Check out this article published by the Indiana Lawyer for some quick tips on how to let Microsoft Word® start building your documents for you. While you are there, you might as well get some words on paper.

Get some words on paper (or the screen)

Another tip I’ve found helpful is to start drafting my thoughts on a project in Markdown format. I use an app called Drafts [affiliate link] on my iPhone or iPad. Drafts allows me to quickly capture and rearrange thoughts. Or, I can dictate some longer thoughts using Dragon Anywhere.

In Drafts, you can change the mode of the app to allow you to drag and drop sections of a project around. It’s a nice way to re-arrange an argument or provisions in a contract. Using touch to manipulate your document offers the additional perspective to your writing and creativity. Once the “draft” is done, simply copy and paste into a Word document or email it to yourself.

The hard work is often just getting started. Getting a few words on the screen quickly can help motivate you to get the project finished.