T3:18 | 3 Tips to Prepare for Christmas Break

A short post this week, since we are all busy getting ready for Christmas next week.  I will not be posting next week because I’m taking some time off to enjoy my family and friends.

Here are a 3 ideas to help you get ready for your Christmas break:

1. Free up space on your devices for photos and videos

I had an experience this weekend where I was taking video of an event and my iPhone stopped recording at a crucial point because I did not have enough space.  Unfortunately, I had taken several other videos and forgotten to remove them from the phone prior to this event.  Thankfully, many other people have videos of the event, but I missed the joy of the event because I was frustrated with myself for not being prepared.  Don’t make the same mistake I made.

Instead, move your photos and videos off your device and backed up to your computer to free up space and free you up to enjoy the precious moments that matter most.

2.  Get clear on remaining tasks for 2014

Grab a pen and paper and empty your head of the remaining things you need to get done this year.  Prioritize those and focus on getting them off your plate (and mind) so you can be free to focus on family and friends.

Some good questions to ask:

  • What must get done now?
  • What are the things that can wait until the new year?
  • What can be delegated to someone else?
  • What are you doing or have you done to prepare for 2015?

Your goal should be to get things off your mind and planned out so that you are free from distractions during your Christmas break.

3. Turn off Notifications

Don’t forget to set your voicemail and email out of office settings before you leave work.  Take some time to turn off the notifications on your mobile devices too, so that you are not tempted to check your phone every 30 seconds while away from work.  Focus on those who are in front of you during this Christmas season.  Things will be there when you get back.

4. Closing

If you know me, you know I’m writing this mainly for myself.  I easily get caught up in the “latest and loudest” of the day which takes my focus away from the important.  Hopefully, this post will help you and I focus on the reason for the season and free us up to enjoy the people who matter most.  Merry Christmas!