T3:22 | 2014 Article List

This week, I compiled a list of links to the articles I wrote outside my blog in 2014 for this post. Hopefully, some of these tips can help you this year.

As I looked back through the posts and articles I have written, I noticed that at the time I wrote the article/post, I didn’t think I was really accomplishing much. Now, the list actually looks like I did make something happen.

The lesson for me is that continued effort over time = results.

Here’s the list:

Start Page: Tame your email inbox using flags, rules and search folders, The Indiana Lawyer, Volume 25 No. 20 (December 3-16, 2014)

Start Page: Take a few (more) steps toward a ‘paper-less’ office, The Indiana Lawyer, Volume 25 No. 17 (October 22-November 4 2014)

Start Page: Microsoft Outlook distribution lists reduce email frustration, The Indiana Lawyer, Volume 25 No. 14 (September 10-23, 2014)

Start Page: ‘Excel-erate’ your practice by learning Microsoft Excel, The Indiana Lawyer, Volume 25 No. 8 (June 18-July 1, 2014)

Start Page: 3 changes to make next time you open Microsoft Word, The Indiana Lawyer, Volume 25 No. 6 (May 21-June 3, 2014)

Start Page: Make the most of your 24 hours with workflow planning, The Indiana Lawyer, Volume 25 No. 2 (March 26-April 8, 2014)

Start Page: Tips for catching up after snow days, The Indiana Lawyer, Volume 24 No. 25 (February 12-25, 2014)

Start Page: Is your data in the cloud really out of (your) control?, The Indiana Lawyer, Volume 24 No. 20 (December 4-17, 2013)

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