Why you should consider Microsoft Office 365

The Indiana Lawyer recently published an article I wrote titled “Why you should consider Microsoft Office 365.”

From the article:

Migrating to Office 365 is a decision that should be made with careful planning and consideration of the risks and benefits of a cloud-based system. That said, the trend toward using other people’s computers to lower your own operating costs will only continue in the future.

Recently, we made the switch at my office.  The biggest advantage so far has been having everyone on the same version of Microsoft Office with up to date security patches. Overall, the update process was fairly smooth, though I would recommend having someone help you through the process. Also, allow more time than you think to get up and running. It takes a while to download the full version of Microsoft Office to your computer.

Also, if you are considering moving to Office 365, the biggest challenge we have faced has been migrating the files to Microsoft’s OneDrive or SharePoint for file storage to replace our file server.  We have been testing the various options available for cloud storage from Microsoft that best suits our firm’s needs. Thankfully, we have a working system to support the practice while we work on migrating to the cloud. More on that later.  (Definitely not as user-friendly as Dropbox).

There’s no doubt that cloud computing is the future. Software is becoming subscription based, for better or worse. Hopefully, that results in better security and features for the end user. The ability to access files and firm information from any connected device is really convenient.

Office 365 is still going through some growing pains. We’ve decided to grow along with it. What about you?